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  • Jeff Rynning

Haiti Blog #9 | We're Not Done Yet!

As the great Lloyd Christmas once said, “I hate goodbyes!” It’s never easy to say goodbye to the friends we’ve made over this past week. This morning we woke up, packed up all of our things, and went on one last hike before taking off for the airport. It was like walking through a mini rain forest. Gorgeous! After enjoying the views one last time, we loaded up the cars, said our last goodbyes, and hit the road.

We left plenty early. I don’t know if you followed along with us last year, but if you didn’t, go back and read the blog titled “We Missed Our Flight,” and you’ll understand the reason for leaving so early. You’ll never guess what happened.

We were praying for clear roads and an uneventful drive, and praise God, that’s exactly what we got. No delays. No road blocks. No problems. Praise God.

We’re making our final descent into Des Moines as I’m typing this. I could go on and on about how great this trip was and write a bunch of sappy words, but what I want to say most as we finish off this week’s blog is thank you. Thank you for following along with us all week, for your prayers, and for your support both before and during the trip. This is only the beginning, we're not done yet! God is continuing to do incredible things in Haiti, and we all learned a bunch of valuable lessons and skills to take home with us and use every day. I hope as you followed along with us that you learned something about Haiti; about what the culture is like, how amazing the people and kids are, and how bright their future is. My greatest hope is that we can all continue to make an impact in Haiti even though we won’t physically be there. My second hope is that you will join us next year and experience this incredible country for yourself!

And with that, I say, see ya later.

Until next time,

Haiti Team 2019

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