Welcome to
Revision Church
Thanks for checking out Revision! If you're wondering what we're all about and what it's like to come to Revision on a Sunday morning, watch the video for a quick preview.

Sunday Mornings
Our Sunday mornings are characterized by great worship music, a participatory and inviting style that helps people connect to their Creator, and relevant, challenging, and inspiring Bible teaching. The services are designed to be a space where you feel welcomed, accepted, and comfortable while being invited into the powerful presence of God among His people in worship. The teaching from the Bible is so engaging that you enjoy listening, so practical that you understand how to apply it, and so challenging that everyone in the room, wherever they are along their spiritual journey, is moved to take steps toward God and live more like their Savior. Sundays also provide time to gather together in community, have fun, and encourage each other.
Family Ministry
One of our core commitments is to provide exciting, high-quality ministry and resources to families. We want to create a space where Sunday morning at Revision Kids is the best hour of every kid’s week, and we want our kids and students to meet Jesus so powerfully that they are excited to invite their friends to come to church with them. We are also passionate about providing resources and coaching to parents, grandparents, guardians, etc. because we know that families are the best influencers, teachers, and disciple-makers in the world. Additionally, we will provide times throughout the year for families – and for all generations who are a part of our church – to worship together.
House Groups
House Groups are groups of about 25 people that meet in a house opened up by someone at Revision every week. These groups provide the chance to connect to community with a group of people who want to do life and faith alongside you. The purpose of House Groups is to dig deeper into God’s truth and how it applies to our lives, to ensure that every member of Revision Church can know and be known, to do life together as the church, and to sharpen one another as we grow in faith and attempt to reach our world for Jesus.
Generosity & Outreach
We teach and talk regularly about living and giving generously out of the gifts that God has given us and we put our time, our talents, and our treasure where our mouth is. We are committed to being a revolutionary force of Christ’s love in Des Moines by giving to the needs around us.
Our generosity and our commitment to giving of ourselves for the sake of the God who has given us everything fuel outreach and evangelism. Our call is to go and give not gather and wait. We are passionate about sharing Jesus with our world to help people meet him and follow him fully, and we're also passionate about showing his love to those around us. Every time there are 5 Sundays in a month, we cancel our services on the 5th Sunday and do something called Reach Des Moines where we send our entire community out to serve the city alongside a number of different non-profits who are doing amazing work around the metro.
Church Planting & Missions
Revision Church is, ultimately, not about us. It’s about Jesus. We want to help people meet him and follow him fully. And our budget reflects that. There is no better way to reach lost people in America today than starting new churches. So that’s exactly what we want to do. We give 10% of our general fund to church planting and we provide resources, coaching, and people to church planting as well. We also give funding and provide people to missions around the world in many places for the sake of the gospel.