We exist to help people meet Jesus and follow him fully.
There is so much brokenness in our world, so much hurt, pain, violence, destruction, and more that it's easy to find ourselves desperate for hope - to feel like the last reservoirs of hope are drying up inside of us. At Revision Church, we're convinced that the hope we need cannot be found in any of the places the world tells us to look. The kind of lasting, transformative hope that we are desperate for cannot ultimately be found in government, academia, or business. Instead, it can be found only in Jesus. And the church is designed to be his delivery vehicle.
Local churches are the hope of the world because God chose to entrust the church with the gospel message of salvation which truly changes hearts and lives. In Matthew 16 Jesus promised his disciples that he would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The church of Jesus Christ is the one institution in the world that cannot fail!
The mission of Revision is simple: to continue to live out the mission of Jesus in the world. In Luke 19 Jesus said he came to “seek and save the lost.” And he didn’t just rescue people, he completely transformed their lives. While humbly acknowledging that we are among the lost he sought and saved, we aim to go out into our community and
live out his purpose.
We'd love to see you at Revision Church this Sunday!